Maderas Que Cantan
Los Angeles CA
Para espectáculos de ballet folclórico y grandes eventos con una banda completa de marimba, visite "Contact" abajo.
(Para bodas, quinceañeras, cumpleaños, funerales, etc. en el área de Los Angeles, visite para marimba en solitario.)
Maderas Que Cantan
Full marimba band (5 people) serving large events internationally--to accompany ballet folklorico dancers, or without dancers for banquets, parties, festivals, and cultural events. Featuring music of Mexico, Guatemala, Central America. Starting at $4800 (Los Angeles area). For smaller events, contact ($400-$1200).
The wood that sings !Maderasquecantan!
Maderas Que Cantan is directed by Lucas Critchfield and recently toured the Western United States as part of Guadalajara's Mexico En El Corazon International tour in 2023.
Lucas was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico and studied the marimba in college as well asin Mexico (Chiapas, Oaxaca, Veracruz) and Guatemala. After 8 years as a high school banddirector, Lucas moved to Pomona, California in 2008 where he taught drum & bugle corpsand now teaches band to elementary students in Claremont and plays marimba for eventssuch as birthdays, weddings, and funerals.